HagueTech's Blogs

Friday, July 24, 2009

More Political Bias from the Associated Press (AP)

Below is a sidebar of the most notable people arrested in a recent roundup of NJ political officials. You may be surprised, or maybe not, but the lack of party affiliation attached to the democrats in the story, yet they remembered to put in the party affiliation on the lone republican in the list. I have blogged about this type of poor reporting before, but i figured it was time to bring it up again.

I wonder if the fairness doctrine that President Obama and Nancy Pelosi want to pass would require party affiliations be attached to EVERY politician in news stories, not just the republicans???

Is there anyone out there who doesn't think there is a political bias in the mainstreem media? I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to leave some coments below explaining your reasons for believing that.

Roundup nets several N.J. notables - USATODAY.com:


Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, 32: Lawyer and former Hoboken City Councilman since 2005, he was elected mayor of Hoboken in June.
Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell, 64: Served more than two decades as mayor and a member of the town council, and is a former Secaucus Board of Education member. A Vietnam combat veteran, he is also the president of a family owned trucking company.
• Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini: One of three deputy mayors for New Jersey's second-largest city.
• State Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt, 44: Elected to the Legislature in 2008, the Republican from Monmouth County is also the mayor of Ocean Township, a post he has held since 1998, and is the Lumberton Township administrator.
Source: Associated Press"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

President Obama, Where's your ballance?

Just a quick note...

For a president who is all about fairness, the fairness doctrine, and equaltiy, why does he not put up a "Declare your Opposition" button on this page. Let's allow both sides to comment. That's what he wants, right? Bipartisanship?

Well, maybe someone else will take a real poll and see if the overwhelming majority of Americans support or oppose his position on government run healthcare.

For a first hand look at what i am talking about, here's the link that set me off: Organizing for America Watch the Prime Time Press Conference with President Obama

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Get ready America, This message is coming to the states soon, I'm sure.

If you think government over-reaches now with what they tell our kids in school, wait until this message comes to shore from our friends across the pond. All in the name of better health...

The Associated Press: UK health booklet's message: Teen sex can be fun: "UK health booklet's message: Teen sex can be fun
By GREGORY KATZ – 1 day ago
LONDON (AP) — Britain's National Health Service has a message for teens: Sex can be fun. Health officials are trying to change the tone of sex education by urging teachers to emphasize that sexual relations can be healthy and pleasurable instead of simply explaining the mechanics of sex and warning about diseases."

Just what every child needs to hear. If we dont start doing something as a nation NOW to turn the tide of socialism, stuff like this will be here in no time.